The first letter

Is it better to not exist at all or live in constant and infinite pain? Which one should you choose, is there an answer? To just end, vanish, will surely come harder for some than hell. For others suicide as a way out feels closer but, as Hamlet says, in that sleep of death what dreams may come? We are not free. We have no idea what is going on. We are lost on even the most basic questions. Why should some particles attract or repel each other, why should there be anything at all? It is a lost battle, every answer will brew another hundred and all we can say is why why why ad infinitum!

It is logical (apparent, if you will) to think that most of what there is is not apparent. We can only experience as much as we can sense, and our senses are weak even compared to many low animals. Is it not possible that at this very moment infinite number of creatures are existing in the room you are reading this letter, none of them being cogniferous of each other. This shows how weak we are.

It is said by some that mind is a computation, while others claim it is inherent in matter. But regardless, does that mean that just as we can easily interfere with our cells, our galaxy can casually throw giant meteors at us with full intention? We are unaware and try to piece together reasons in vain as if a red blood cell trying to understand why there is suddenly less oxygen. This also shows how weak we are.

In confusion some go so far as to say that we do not exist at all, consciousness being an illusion. This is a lie, you know it is! We do exist, we the thinking, we the observing. The thinking is a truth embedded in dasein, we think therefore there is. The observing is a truth embedded in nature, it collapses the possibilities. We unveiled the lies thusly.

In confusion many sink to nihilism, claiming there is no value and no reason. This is a lie, you know it is! The right path is divided in two, one is clearly seen, the other is hidden. Both paths lead to the home. Example for the clear path is of the caring mother, who can claim it is not clearly a goodness? Example for the hidden path is that of a red blood cell that cannot understand its purpose, why it is working so hard to carry oxygen time and time again seemingly in vain. Sisyphus is one of the many red clot! Even if the confused reject the hidden path, will they not see the clear path? We unveiled the lies thusly.

Let us return the primary question. We understand so little of both options, therefore it seems we cannot answer it satisfyingly. This shows how weak we are.